A new way of thinking Teodulo Lopez Melendez the man of these times policy quite possibly has not taken up to fullness the dominant traits and suffers in the nostalgia of the past. Thus lives in semiverdades. The man has left to conceptualise in a complex manner. The contradictions manifested in all its magnitude in the absence of the totalizing utopia. The old paradigms are dead. Just listen to verify that we are in what can accurately be called an old world. This, despite living in a world of rapid changes. Perhaps these changes are what mere transition, which means that they are impregnated with the same concepts of the foregoing.
The same sense of reality becomes so blurred, especially becomes blurred the ordinariness, where fundamental psychological habitats are altered, such as labour, food and even the health aspect, as we saw with the recent epidemics that plague us. We continue to live planted in the path of the past, one that leads to no part. Up to the way of thinking is still the same, in a kind of cerebral palsy that prevents us from understanding that we must create new paradigms that may produce a transformation of immediate reality. Shocks occur one after another. Previous convictions look worn, lost all its explanatory and protection capability.
The expression on the decline of institutions has become common place, but showing extreme weakness are policies, including intermediate calls that fulfilled the role of bridge between the power and the community. So the old legal forms have frayed and intermediaries have lost all ability to give excitability and coherence, as well as they have lost old coercibility instruments, which has led the media to try to boost as new drivers.The so-called institutions show a manifest inability to transform is, moreover, not what transformation required. Against a new cultural paradigm, still in its infancy, its break-up with the reality is visible, because they belong to outdated paradigms, depart from the basis of an immobility which is consubstantial to them. Governed by the institution man disappears, has isolated her. Cannot claim the emergence of a new body of doctrine infallible and totalizing, a sort of Renaissance of ideologies. The communication society that will come is a paradigm shift in itself. The new reality will rise above it. Without obviating the totalitarian danger of the pantalla-ojo control, the breaking of the unidirectional media that calls into question the notion of defenseless receiver and continuous market control thesis produced by the recent crisis, should push thought to the planting of new democratic conceptions. I.e., the task of the thinkers of today is not deliver a design of future society, but to create ideas that communique man making. You can do in the manner of the old ideologues who designed a new utopian reality. What is now is to propose a new reading of the reality, that is, the creation of a new reality for the permanent activity of a Republic of citizens who exercise an instituent power change forms tailored to its evolution towards a democratic society eternally perfectible. Expiration of the existing paradigms, or the defeat of inertia, should be sought by means of innovative and unusual approaches that, with all logic in human processes, they will be discarded at the start by the institutionalized environment.