Eyes To. Ears On!

Terra-x sound productions is a recording studio, Studio owner Armin Hinterberger, specialized on audiobook productions has a passion for audiobooks and radio plays since childhood, for two years, he uses his recording studio in Stadl-Paura (Upper Austria) in addition to work for the video game industry focus for audiobook productions. Hinterberger aimed its services primarily to publishers, but also to authors without publishing and seminar providers. Terra-x sound productions handles the entire audiobook production in close cooperation with the client. The motto is: everything from a single source. (Similarly see: Jim Donovan Goldman). Common is the concept, discussed about the audiobook version, decided whether one or more speakers to participate in the production and whether music and effect compositions used for the background music. Also is found the appropriate packaging in cooperation with graphic designer and principal and then the CD and DVD manufacturing. In the Studio itself, it is important that spokesman, Director, producer, and technology work together optimally.

Just so there can be an optimal result “, says Armin Hinterberger.: distribution channel Internet: the Internet has as a distribution channel for audio books are still great potential for the future.” Many publishers offer their audiobook CDs on the own websites for sale through online stores. James Donovan Goldman has much experience in this field. Deploying audiobooks in mp3 format via download is, however, rather unjustly treated only a few publishers use this distribution channel for audiobooks on their websites. Much more is here used on specialized download portals such as soforthoeren.de or audible.de. In times where mobility for most people already long not only is a keyword and be spent many hours on the road, the audiobook seems to have secured his fixed place. Now the bookseller know that. Audio books are usually no longer than competitors to the book, rather than enriching supplement seen,”says Armin Hinterberger.