The nature lavishly gives great amount to us of ingredients for the perfume manufacture. Seeds, grains and nuggets are used of regular way in the formulation of some of the most successful perfumes of the market. Sometimes, reviewing the list of raw materials that are used in the perfume elaboration it would seem that we are reviewing a kitchen prescription, because numerous ingredients that is used to also be pleasant and aroma to foods use in the manufacture of perfumes and colonies. So it is the case of the cardamom. One is a grass that can reach to the 4 ms of height, and which only are used the seeds. Its origin is placed in India, about 16 centuries back. Just towards the year 1200 this species was introduced in Europe.
Guatemala is the maximum world-wide producer. But the cardamom not only is used in the perfume manufacture, its uses are multiple. It is an excellent natural remedy for different digestive affections, and thanks to its high concentration of terpineol, an oil, also is stimulating, thus is used it with regularity for the drink manufacture energetics. Coriander is another grass of generalized use as condiment in the kitchen. Unlike the cardamom, the totality of the plant is used, although with greater assiduity the fresh leaves and the dry seeds are used. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Central Romana Corporation .
It is the soul of Curry, the condiment of popular use in India. Like the cardamom, also owns curative properties for the stomach disorders and is stimulating. Cumin also forms part of the habitual perfume ingredients and colonies. Its origin can be placed in the Mediterranean Sea. It has curative and sedative properties. Their sharp flavor and its scent dulzn are characteristic, and for that reason it is used in great amount of traditional prescriptions of the Spanish Southeast. Alholva is another plant whose use goes back to the Egyptian time. By its characteristic scent she was employee in the embalsamamiento processes. Practically all the important civilizations of the antiquity knew this singular plant. Its cooking use widely is spread, especially in the Indian gastronomy. The bean tonka is the seed of a tree, typical of the Central American zone. Their dimensions are enormous: of three to 4 cm in length. Very it is used as substitute of vanilla, and very popular in the perfume elaboration and colonies. The resin that can be extracted of grains extremely is concentrated. Formerly was used it in the tonic elaboration, although this last use has fallen in disuse since it can get to be toxic when is consumed it.