Metal Detector Treasure

Find treasures today has become very fashionable and popular hobby. Thousands of people rushed to find old favorites and lost coins. Sales of metal growing every day. But that is only natural treasures found only units, which more fortunate. However, whether it makes sense to spread for 30-40 thousand rubles for a good metal detector, if you can completely find a treasure of ancient coins or without the aid of expensive equipment. I propose to look for coins in old abandoned buildings. I'll tell you where almost one hundred percent may lie ancient coins.

Firstly, it corners of houses. At least one angle you will find an ancient coin, and sufficiently large, as much as before under angles are laid, as a rule, massive coins withdrawn from circulation. Read a good and reliable place are window sills and window boxes. There could put a coin during the construction of the house or they could fall through the cracks for many years. Basically, there are small silver coin. Another almost safe place in an old abandoned house grooves are the fallopian logs. Here you are, and if found, it is certainly not one coin, and immediately few.

Usually in such places to bookmark coins, as if for luck. Often these coins acted Nikolaev silver. I have the most favorite place is the earth's surface under the floors. For hundreds of years back through the cracks dropping a lot of debris, including small coins. In the ground you can find both Soviet and modern coins and coins issued before the revolution. You are required to work only child sovochkom, interrupting carefully the top layer. If the roof had not yet taken off shingles, it makes sense to explore and attic. As a rule, in the darkest corner you can find a warehouse of old unwanted things, among which may be a lot of valuable antiques today, For example, candlesticks, figurines, books, etc. As you can see – to find a small treasure, or even ancient coins can be even without expensive equipment. The main thing to think a head, where to look.