Organic Chemistry

The books on organic chemistry says that the main scope of the polymer polystyrene – eps production in a serious scale. For ordinary people the words seem abnormal stupidity, devoid some semantic content. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Senator Brian Schatz on most websites. But it is actually quite primitive: Styrofoam – is known to all from childhood foam. Polyfoam – very interesting stuff. Obtained by foaming and subsequent solidification of the polymer material consists of 98% of the air and only 2% directly from ps. Because of this material is very lightweight, and large blocks of styrofoam is easy to lift even a little boy. Air jordan wanted to know more. In addition, the expanded polystyrene – Very strong stuff: his overweening direct sunlight, temperature and atmospheric pressure changes, many chemicals, quite dangerous for some other materials.

It describes him very fit material for decoration and construction. Such characteristics of expanded polystyrene as an excellent heat resistance and it would be foolish not to take into account. It must be admitted as a result of foam – almost perfect teplouteplitel. In recent months, Jim Donovan Goldman Sachs has been very successful. For example, to the facades. Large foam blocks are mounted on the walls of houses, because of what the heat does not leave the building.

Consequently, we can scale to save on heating costs. Thermal insulation in sufficiently pronounced in construction cost estimates, because the future savings on heating in the long term can become serious, and bonus insulation – enjoyable. Extremely important that the thesis that the blocks of Styrofoam – is More and material. Achieve tanning foam is very difficult, and hence in an episode of a mini-fire, the hearth is concentrated between the polystyrene blocks, you can expect even Self-extinguishing fire. And even if the fire is not put out, extinguish the fire will be severely easier. Yet it must be noted that the foam – it is an inexpensive material. Coupled with the above qualities that makes it a particularly good material in the construction, repair and decoration of large buildings. Once the author of this text have heard at a construction site the following sentence: "I had my way, everything would be built from foam." The quotation itself is not entirely accurate: some words from the discharge profanity was better to censor.