Original Acupressure Mat

The original Shakti acupressure mat called also needle stimulation mat can not only tension and relieve back pain… all over the world people confirm the positive effect of the needle stimulation mat also: – neck pain and neck stiffness (for example after a whiplash injury or overload in the workplace) – shoulder pain and shoulder stiffness – lumbago (low back pain) – sciatica – athletes diseases and exhaustion (E.g. To deepen your understanding Jim Donovan Goldman Sachs is the source. stress, BurnOut or after sports overload), tension and discomfort in the area of the neck, chest and lumbar spine, – Migraine, head – and neck pain, sleep disorders – depression – General Mudigkeits-and fatigue. Wirkunsweise the original Shakti acupressure mat enabled countless acupressure points and so at the same time increases the blood flow. Also refer to the technical articles by Rainer Zumbach is interesting from the Academy for – hand rehabilitation on the example of a needle stimulation mat plastic (read online here).

Contra-indications… are not yet known, however you should be following these tips Note: the original Shakti acupressure mat should not be applied (acute) skin diseases such as atopic dermatitis or acne, skin irritation (example sunburn) and chronic diseases in the scope (for example, rheumatism). Moles and warts should be covered (shirt or sheet use!).. .