Outraged Sun Stay One Week

Jesus Travieso 20 m decide to keep camping, but not to extend more. The Assembly rejects offers from companies to finance. sue. New popular assemblies may 28 have been convened. A festive and multitudinous reflection Saturday. The JEC banned demonstrations this Saturday in reflection. BLOG: 10 keys and 1 PostScript about the 15-M. Day of decision-making, at the polls, and also in Sun.

Assemblies, both in mid-morning and mid-afternoon, filled to the brim km. or. After deciding on the morning that the evening Assembly remain one more week, remembered that the camp does not extend to the surrounding squares and streets. Camped in Madrid’s Puerta del Sol spent another night quiet, in line with the previous (even with a lot more people sleeping in plaza), and after a morning Assembly meeting have decided to stay camped for one week (until Sunday 29, date in which will decide if they are or not). At that meeting – that as usual had translation simultaneous language of signs-apart from the issue of continuing demonstrations, the new guidelines that will continue the concentrates were fixed. In the decision taken had especially its possible world, since ECHO concentration in Madrid is serving as global l. Dante, one of the representatives of the outraged insisted on the absence of electoral slogans of any kind to the campers, which are completely free to choose what to do with their right to vote.

For the day on Sunday in the Puerta del Sol, these days are expected in addition to the above-mentioned Assembly, leisure activities and workshops of all kinds, in line with those featuring. During the Assembly they have given to know that the campers received offers from companies such as Inditex and Pepsi to finance their supply during the time intending to stay at the plaza. These offers have been rejected by the protesters, who want not to rely on anyone for their protest.