AGENCIES visited by the German President just last a few hours. Merkel has defended a policy of sustainable debt. Greece has already received with protests to the German Chancellor in October. Between strong security measures and acts of protest, the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, has begun his visit lightning to Portugal. The Portuguese country, one […]
Popol Vuh
Corn, the most important cultural plant of Mesoamerican peoples, was the basis for this myth of life, death and rebirth in the same manner as wheat, used symbolically in the mysteries of Eleusis, took the same symbolism as a nexus of union between men and divine beings, or man and his own divine part. The […]
Brazilian Time
The nationalistic romantismo Again citing in this article Antonio Cndido, according to esteo Brazilian romantismo it was initially (and it continued being in part until the end) above all nationalism. nationalism was to write on local things. It was part of the objectives of the time to value, to display, ouseja, to show the cultural […]
Revolutionary Latin America
Calvin: Use or decay of its Theological thought Ideological Politician in a Revolutionary Latin America? The Challenges of modern Venezuela to the religious sectors of our country, are the challenges that raise all those ideological principles to us that specifically need to be considered from a theological perspective and from a Latin American theological vision, […]
According to Aristotle, we are beings politicians. One of the essential conditions of the human being is the fact of living aggregate to other men. In such a way, some simple gestures, as to admit a principle as being optimum for the common good, an act becomes politician. As well as the choices that we […]
Rights Of Debtors
The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) was created to protect consumers from the improper money from debt collection practices. If you find yourself with financial problems that have him dealing with creditors or collection agencies, it is extremely important to know their rights as well as responsibilities of the collection agencies. Below is a […]
Assessment Costs
But you first need to be thrown off. Borrowed sources – produced mainly by loans, as well as various creditors debt (salary, budget, other businesses). Education payable still deserves some explanation. For example, you received the goods and pay no hurry. Of course, it’s not very good, but practice is common. Or delayed payment of […]
Democratic Convention
The republicans of the USA already have elect to their presidential candidate thanks to having a system in which he wins in many States remains with all the delegates. The democrats, however, have proportional representation. This mechanism is more equitable but in the end it can prolong the internal tension or cause that the final […]
Sciences Development
The development of Sciences, society in general and of natural science in particular, has always gone hand in hand with the development of the productive forces of each economic partner training in history. The development of the productive forces is the engine of the story, this development generates friction between the various social groups, each […]
Artisan Icecream Shops FreddoFreddo
Miguel Mattera, maximum responsible in Spain for the chain of artisan ice-cream shops Freddo-Freddo, and Jose Striking, engineer Maria to the front of Trigasia, a company of ecoeficiente illumination, with LEDs, that wants to become supplier of the world of the tax exemption, have been the great protagonists of Manages Tax exemption, the space specialized […]