The Constitution

3 But this agreement already suffers an attempt from overcoming, in function, mainly, of the social movements that they aim at to guarantee the rights of gays and to allow that the union between them is legally accepted. As much that the agreement of Berenice Maria Days is of that at least it has a […]

Socialist Victims

/ Movement against intolerance called a concentration outside the Norwegian Embassy and lee a manifest solidarity with the victims of the attacks. A leading source for info: Amazon. Its President, Esteban Ibarra, has asked that on 22 July it be declared European day for the memory of the victims of hate crimes. The Norwegian consul […]

Latin America Inflation

I know that you can be a little confusing that something that fails to comply with the objective for which it has raison d ‘ etre, but the monetary policies of target inflation rate have not always recognized goals, despite the difficulties that have had to deal. A valuable element of IT policies for Latin […]

On Behalf Of The Democracy

On behalf of the Democracy We are at full time of electoral campaign. Time to give to good laugh with the propagandas politics propagated in the gratuitous obligator schedule. In the way of house until the work, costumo to face the transit congested of So Paulo to the sound of the beautiful music. If you […]

Bin Laden

It is known that the death of Osama Bin Laden constitutes a great blow for the terrorist organization Al Qaeda, but not yet the final blow. Number 2 of the organization Loves Al-Zawahiri with certainty will have to initiate a wave of attempted against in the whole world to avenge the death of its head […]

Brazil People

For the people, neglect voter, the situation is this: ' ' if to run the animal catches and if to be the animal come' '. It is a situation where if ' ' to slide of the frying-pan goes to fall in chapa' '. The people is neglect voter, because he is not wise, but […]

Civil Society

In the critical rocking concerning the Participativo Budget, Avritzer (2003) points with respect to attempts of appropriation of form OP with the objective to transform a successful experience of participation into a new form of administration of municipal resources. The experience of Porto Alegre (RS) if always places as a case sui generis for the […]

Enraizamento State

In the use of its attributions and the fulfilment of its papelinterinstitucional, the CIEA/AP launched in 2007 the proposal of accomplishment of a EncontroEstadual de Ambient Educao that would have the objective to format the PolticEstadual de Ambient Educao of the Amap. In this way, the quarrels had lead arealizao of the event in the […]

Legislative Decree

The SUNAT also will be able to exert faculties of administration with respect to other nontributary obligations of ESSALUD and the ONP, according to which it settles down in the corresponding interinstitutional agreements. Affiliation to the regime of pensions. – This aspect is optional. Indeed the regulation has established that stops who to the date […]

United Nations

However, the elaboration of a strategy of the Community for the Oceans that establishes the orientaes and defines the main lines of convergence politician-diplomatics for a strategy for the Oceans of the Lusofonia, was assayed (but little argued), meeting after approved (beginning of 2010) in a phase of relative stagnation. The Strategy of the CPLP […]