This sets a minimum level of profitability of 13% of the value of fixed assets. Certainly the cost of cement varied depending on the plant, less profitable production of subsidized at the expense of more profitable – course in a market economy, this approach is unlikely. Equally important was the fact that the producers of […]
Professional Procedure Code
But no, when it went from idle chatter to a real compensation for property damage, public machine once again began to put obstacles Following the instructions Ch. 18 "Rehabilitation" of the Professional Procedure Code, victims have filed suits for damages caused by unlawful harassment from government, but it turned out that, according to the Kirov […]
The ‘Affordable Housing’ In St. Petersburg
First Vice Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev on April 27 to inspect the implementation of priority national projects in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region. Dmitry Medvedev arrived in St. Petersburg on the eve, April 26. As reported in the Press Service of the city administration, his visit is devoted to implementation in the regions of predominantly […]
Konstantin Khokhlov
In this case, there are dozens of ways to cut costs on public utilities: the acquisition of a well-known to all energy saving bulbs to the correct operation of domestic appliances. For example, the time has not ravaged dust bag increases the consumption of electricity a vacuum cleaner up to 40%. Abroad, such "wisdom" are […]
Sochi Baths
Little running, half-forgotten, neekskursionny, but themes and beautiful: the lack of civilization to another park just adds to the beauty. And the park – eucalyptus, and even if you nose finds itself in a vial of eucalyptus oil, it is only distantly remind Adler scented richness. Nasmorochny my nose starts to breathe normally after ten […]
Federal Antimonopoly Service
Russian government legislatively approved a new mechanism for calculating utility bills for energy consumption. Decree "On the fundamentals of pricing and tariff regulation procedure, allowances and limits indices in the field of communal organizations, "published July 23, 2008, introduces the possibility of rates for the calculation of payments for energy consumption, including, and most wasteful […]
Legislative Assembly
Subject dilapidated housing stock in Russia could argue for its relevance, even with the theme of the crisis. If, however, stabilize the economic situation the state was not yet in force, then the solution to the first problem it has already prepared. Adopted by the State Duma of the Federal Law 185 provides residents of […]
Stay Alert in the Legal Realm
During special events may be stopping vehicles outside of fixed positions to test driving and registration documents, as well as documents on the consignment. Prohibited to stop vehicles unless necessary. The driver, who knows these rules, will feel in a conversation with the inspector dps much confident and the first thing to ask the inspector, […]
Family Code
Unfortunately, in life there are mistakes and not always correct decisions, but if we can not prevent them, then fix it, or minimize the consequences of our power. One of these common mistakes, this ill-conceived divorce. In life there are light and heavy-case scenario, if the first case, no children and the common property, the […]
Yashkova Law
What happened there – I will not discuss. And the man was forced to retire. Midwinter society remained without a chairman. But Ludmila site is not owned, and the chairman did not. Site owned her husband. And so he became chairman. And his wife have chosen an accountant. And they began to live happily ever […]