Paid Surveys

Paid surveys are surveys placed on web pages that pay users for completing them. There are some specialized pages that allow you to register and make as many surveys as you want. They pay you an amount of money for answering paid surveys. The amount of money will be different according to the survey and […]


The first instructors of deaf pupils appeared in Europe in the 16th century. different methodologies of education, that if they used of the auditory-verbal language, language of signals, manual representation of the alphabet and other visual codes, being able, or not, these methodologies had been created to associate these different medias. From century XVIII, the […]

Berlin Wage

Mr T.Sarrzian SPD BERLIN Nehmz the word! The dining plan inventor for unemployed gourmet and moonlighting advocates Thilo S. favourisiert personally five euro earnings per hour? Take him at his word! He would and wants to work for five euros per hour? That’s what I call a voluntary savings proposal of Berlin finance Senator. Here, […]

Learn To Love

Love is so important and yet we know so little about love. We believe that we love, that we love, when in reality we know little of true love. We exert a selfish love, believing that we love others and all we are doing is to satisfy requirements, shortcomings and limitations of our ego. There […]

Purchasing Goods

Many trade companies conduct advertising campaigns: when buying such a product you receive a gift. But if you examine their financial statements, it appears that the cost of ‘gift’ is included in the price of basic goods. And the imposition of something in burden the law prohibits. The consumer buys a product with a ‘gift’-load […]

Weber World

Weber searchs metodolgicos and epistemolgicos aspects as instruments of scientific distanciamento for the accomplishment of the description and theoretical reconstruction of the empirical reality. It is compromissado with modernity. (Fraga, 1999, P. 71). In after-modernity, it has a bankruptcy of the rational project of the world. (…) The modernity of a side to defend the […]

ICT Authorities

What have been some of the reasons that has led to this lack of quality in the education of these universities? We could point out among some: profiles of professionals ill-defined, not adapted to what reality requires absence of teachers with responsibilities, well-defined, involving quality in their knowledge, pedagogy, proactivity, innovation creativity, vision little integration […]

Political Campaigns On Facebook

Every day we see how political campaigns in different countries are using increasingly more to Facebook as a means of promotion, since the phenomenon Obama (who was one of the pioneers in making a massive political campaign with very good results using Facebook) today many political parties have decided to make their campaigns by this […]

Archive Documents

Virtually all businesses in any institution for futile monitoring information on staff and is archived data and valuable documents in order to always be in good form, should be in good conditions. Specifically for this purpose are produced archival shelving designed for the preservation of large amounts of documentation, information and material values. Only this […]