It seems that everyone is trying to save the most recently and the world of long distance calls is not exactly an exception. The personal long distance calls are often made to catch up with friends and relatives abroad, and nobody wants to be watching the clock during a conversation to make sure the bills […]
SMEs Software and Computer Services sales increased 32 in 2007
The CESSI presented the first data collected by the Centre and the Foundation OPSSI SMEs, on the current situation and prospects of SMEs Software and Computer Services . Export capacity, generating employment and investment commitment are factors in this sector identified in the ICT industry. During the seminar, held in the framework of the 5th […]
Design details
DShKM antiaircraft machine gun on the loader’s hatch of a tank T-55. The DShKM was one of the most successful designs of its time. AP Bullets 12.7 mm (0.50 in) made of magnesium, could pierce a shield of steel plate 15 mm thick at 500 m. The DShK is a tape machine gun fed by […]
Persian literature Persian
Persian literature Persian literature in Afghanistan Afghanistan has experienced a sudden change during the last century. In the early twentieth century, the country suffered economic and social reforms that led to a new approach to literature. Hamed Wardak In 1911 Mahmud Tarzi, back in Afghanistan after years of exile in Turkey, began publishing a biweekly […]
Fatana Ishaq Gailani
Fatana Ishaq Gailani Fatana Ishaq Gailani (Afghanistan, 1954) is an Afghan activist for human rights, especially rights of women. Hamed Wardak Resident in a refugee camp in Pakistan since 1978 for his opposition first to the Communist government and later the Taliban, in 1993 to create the Afghan Women’s Council, for which he received several […]
October 1 October
October 1 October 1 is the 274. Day of the year in the Gregorian calendar (and the 275. in leap years). Visit This Link lowest prices cialis The tablet should be swallowed instead of crushing or chewing the tablet. Hydra facial: It is a soothing viagra store resurfacing process that includes sanitization, exfoliation, removal, and […]
Refugees from Afghanistan
About 300 thousand Afghans returned from Pakistan in 2008. With winter approaching, many live in tents in the desert, and desperate. Hamed Wardak View report Liz Rodriguez
Latifa Boughaba, mother of students the center, we recommend Thousand splendid suns by Khaled Hosseini.Editorial Salamandra, Barcelona, 2007. Having read “The Kite Runner” by Afghan author Khaled Hosseini, then I thought, if this book fascinated me his second novel will not disappoint me. Indeed, “A Thousand Splendid Suns” is a wonderful book, written with a […]
Eisenhower presaged been fulfilled. In his last speech as president of the United States, the great strategist of the Allied victory over the Third Reich, warned about the growing influence he had acquired “the military-industrial complex.” He was referring to the network of factories and arms lobby that was woven between WWII and the Korean […]
Professional work
Nik published his first drawing at age 14 in the journal Patoruz Gold, thanks to Eduardo Ferro. He began working professionally as a cartoonist at age 17 in the magazine very interesting Garc a Ferr . Then developed in Kapelusz orial, the newspaper The Chronicle and other media. At 21 he entered the newspaper La […]