With the specified time the citizens will not be able to dispose of such housing in its sole discretion. It should be noted that the lcd of the Russian Federation has limited the proportion of the population in the realization of this possibility. This right can benefit only those who got their houses in the period up to March 1, 2005 pursuant to a warrant or other document on the universe. From this date accommodation will be provided under a contract of social employment. Thus, it is necessary to have time privatize the apartment until March 1, 2010. Who do not have time, will be forced to register their property already for their money, and it is a lot of money – up to 70% of the purchase price. In the lcd rf amended categories of citizens who be accounted for as needing to improve their housing conditions. When the registration will be recognized as in need of better housing conditions only poor people.
That is, those whose income per person below subsistence level. The right to determine whom to recognize the poor vested in the regional and local authorities. (Articles 49-59 lc RF). Citizens found to be in the prescribed manner to needy citizens and occupy residential premises in social contracts of employment are exempt from paying fees for the use of housing (article 156 of lc RF). If the citizens to stand in a queue for housing, taking actions that worsened the living conditions, they will take on the account does not earlier than five years. (Article 53 lc RF). For social housing will not be privatized. It is owned by the state. A separate chapter is devoted to lcd rf payments for housing and utilities. Firstly, the Code supersedes earlier active federal standards limiting the cost of housing and communal services as well and established at the federal level, the marginal share of its expenses of citizens to pay the rent. All this transferred to regional and local authorities.
Secondly, the Code says that the fee for maintenance and repair of housing is installed to ensure a refund of the services and work on maintenance and repair of the common property in an apartment house, depending on the total area occupied, on the quality and improvement of premises, location home. And if the fee for the entire country will be set by local government (in other words, the election of representative government), then to Moscow and St. Petersburg, made a special clause: it would make the executive authorities. (Articles 153-160 lc RF). B – Third, the Code provides that homeowners must pay the full overhaul of the house. There are two possible options. The first – the owners at a general meeting of apartment house decide how much they would be for it pay. Second – if the meeting took no decision, then the fee for repair installs executive. (Article 154 lc RF).