The Psicopedagogia in the Pertaining to school Institution Psicopedagogos? Professionals who work with the learning problems We can say historically that, the psicopedaggica intervention comes occurring in the assistance the people that they present learning difficulties, as much in the diagnosis how much in the therapy. Ahead of academic overhead, pupils are directed by the schools that they frequent, with the objective to elucidate the cause of its difficulties. The question is, since the principle, centered in who it learns, or better, in who it does not learn. Different to be with difficulty, the manifest pupil difficulties, disclosing ampler situation, where also the school is enrolled, partner that is in the process of the learning. Therefore, to analyze the difficulty to learn includes, necessarily, the pertaining to school pedagogical project, in its proposals of education, in what it is valued as learning. The magnifying of this reading through the pupil allows psicopedagogo to open spaces so that resources are disponibilizem that make front to challenges, that is, in the direction of the efetivao of the learning. However, although the effort that the schools traditionally spend in the solution of the learning problems, the results of the psicopedaggico study have served, many times, for different ends, over all when the school is not made use to modify its system of education and to receive the pupil in its necessities.
Thus, if the institution consecrates the storage of the content as sovereignty factor, the results of the study runs the risk to be understood as the confirmation of the incapacities of the pupil to make front to the requirements, finishing for authenticating the exclusion process. The psicopedaggico study it reaches its objectives fully when, extending the understanding on the characteristics and necessities of learning of that pupil, it opens space so that the school makes possible resources to take care of the learning necessities. In such a way, pedagogical making if transforms, being able to become a powerful tool in the therapeutical project. However, changes come occurring, over all in recent years. The optics that privileges division academic, that categorizes the pupils, whom the homogeneous one values, that considers the content as an end, starts to suffer a esvaziamento. Realoca the concept to learn, the function of teaching. To give account of the diversity, of the heterogeneous one, makes possible collective learning, the wealth of the exchange, learning with the other.
The professor leaves of being only the diffuser of the knowledge and lives pedagogical making as the space for the stimulation of the learning. References: Woolfolk, A.E. (2000). Psychology of the Education. Porto Alegre: Artmed. ZORZI, J.L. Learning and riots of the written language: clinical and educational questions. Porto Alegre: Artmed, 2003