New to be able for the first-minister: The new project of reform considers a new reinforcement being able of them of First-Minister, who will become ' ' the president of governo' ' , now assigned inside of the winning party in front of the legislative elections. The general politics of the country sera debated in […]
Tag: government and politics
Not to forget and to sleep as rock Edson Silva We had chance to follow during an entire Saturday, day 29 of May, in Sumar, 1. State meeting of Councilmen of the Party of the Workers. Recepcionados for sumareense mayor Jos Antonio Bacchim (PT) and for the president of the PT of Sumar, Colossal Jairo, […]
Addams Family
The personage, very funny for signal, had the characteristic of being extremely disastrous. For even more opinions, read materials from Amazon. Everything what touched finished turning a problem or broke. Brazil acts in the same way of Mr. Tropeo when the subject is the amestrados Anger and its miquinhos, the such Ayatolas. It has a […]
Verdana Music
It is that I do not possess blog, orkut, to twitter and these other besteiras that had invented for there I hug fort. They read the text that follows, the first one..ExternalClass .ecxhmmessage P padding: 0px;.ExternalClass body.ecxhmmessage font-size: 10pt; font-family: Verdana; WHY NOT TO VOTE IN JOSE SAWS For the same reasons that Brazil did […]
Democratic Institutions
In the same article, the specialist the same observes the constitutional framing of the subject of the Public Security in chapter that deals with the defense of the State and the democratic institutions and disapproves such attitude of the constituent in virtue of the repressive concept of social defense where we live, which destoa of […]