
Today, children and young people are constantly tempted by a new form of entertainment very different from the past. Connecticut Senator takes a slightly different approach. Because no more playing in the streets, in the squares, with marbles, elastic, simulate adventures, etc. No, all of these games, so common until a few decades ago, are […]

Constructivism In Education

Despite being a developed theory for a long time, constructivism is kept existing today as teaching method in several schools. An example of this is what happens in the school Jean Piaget, who assert that knowledge is constructed and students are the protagonists that form it, through the company and tools that give teachers; continuing […]


There is a new colonization by powerful countries and that they use third world countries to obtain funding. Decline of the economies turning ena weak economies in developing countries. Participation of foreign capital in weak economies further reducing their child support because the revenue of these companies are going to give accounts of their partners […]

The New York Times

It seeks to ensure that millionaires paid at least the same percentage of their profits to middle class taxpayers. The proposal is called the rule by billionaire Warren E. Buffett, Buffett. The plan to reduce the deficit that will pose on Monday to the U.S. President, Barack Obama, Congress will include a new minimum tax […]

Spiritual Intelligence

The book spiritual intelligence of Ramon Gallegos Nava, have brought me very good knowledge, I think these books are very consistent with the time, the application of this knowledge has been deteriorating or have led better with the study of these books and strategies to implement them in people as spiritual human beings, conscious, with […]

Asefarma Question

Madrid, 08/10/09. Asefarma (www.asefarma.com) in his eagerness to be up to date on the issues that concern pharmacies, and due to the prestige gained through his 15 years of experience in the market, has taken advantage of the invitation to an event with Trinidad Jimenez, the Minister of health and Social policy, to ask him […]

Europea Events

They were part of Metis who were exiled in Buenos Aires, when the Spaniards implemented a kind of ethnic cleansing, to avoid repetition of rebellions of Tupac Amaru, which one of his lieutenants, would integrate the hosts of Artigas, evidencing the vessels communicating that were forged between the silver and the Altiplano.Debe recognize that current […]