In the critical rocking concerning the Participativo Budget, Avritzer (2003) points with respect to attempts of appropriation of form OP with the objective to transform a successful experience of participation into a new form of administration of municipal resources. The experience of Porto Alegre (RS) if always places as a case sui generis for the […]
Month: March 2018
Enraizamento State
In the use of its attributions and the fulfilment of its papelinterinstitucional, the CIEA/AP launched in 2007 the proposal of accomplishment of a EncontroEstadual de Ambient Educao that would have the objective to format the PolticEstadual de Ambient Educao of the Amap. In this way, the quarrels had lead arealizao of the event in the […]
Legislative Decree
The SUNAT also will be able to exert faculties of administration with respect to other nontributary obligations of ESSALUD and the ONP, according to which it settles down in the corresponding interinstitutional agreements. Affiliation to the regime of pensions. – This aspect is optional. Indeed the regulation has established that stops who to the date […]
United Nations
However, the elaboration of a strategy of the Community for the Oceans that establishes the orientaes and defines the main lines of convergence politician-diplomatics for a strategy for the Oceans of the Lusofonia, was assayed (but little argued), meeting after approved (beginning of 2010) in a phase of relative stagnation. The Strategy of the CPLP […]
Belasitza Agreement
It did not have a recognition of these citizens that were rejected by ' ' Deus' ' for the men ' ' normais' ' , removed of the public context to be forgotten its ' ' deficincia' ' (Bianchetti & Freire Apud ROSS, 1998). In this period, the blindness was used as punishment or as […]
Brazilian Leisure
The question of the clocks and time take the available me to cite some quarrels in classroom of the importance on discipline what this represents, even though change our concept of this subject and in the clocks these hours of leisure had been focused, sincerely with the concept on leisure acquired in the lessons did […]
Country People
I apply the beginning of Groucho Marx: ' ' Institutions do not acreditoem that accept people as eu' '. This does not want to say queno can join me to other people or organizations to make claims, as already I made innumerable times, and will make, when she will be necessary. Now I consider that, […]