The Other Always Has Something To Say

How is reconciliation? We must tirelessly pursue efforts to speak, understand and be understood, to open up the dialogic existence. It happens here something like what happens with the alcoholic: its problem is not drinking, but not being able to want not to drink. The problem is not the enemy, but not wanting to deal with it. The interruption of the dialogue is solipsism and death, because life itself is constant dialogue. The other has something to say. I'm not the only window through which you view the world, nor my self there without you and the full range of personal pronouns.

Dialogue is both a science and an art. It involves both the science of knowing oneself (including what one thinks and wants) and the other, is the science that knows that none of these two knowledge is exhaustive, or me or the other, it is a very neglected science today. Who closes the dialogue may be as good strategist and beating everything you want, but usually can not speak or discuss or, ultimately, think, by many calculations and predictions that can be done. But in addition, dialogue is also an art, an action, activity, a praxis. Much has been written today about the dialogue between cultures and, although it has improved a lot, generally the negotiating table was not round. It has been assumed too quickly that the "other" cultures were approaching our table, which is eaten with knife and fork dollars English on the cloth of democracy (understood in our own way) in dishes served by the state of progress drinking wine and using spoons (or teaspoons, more recently) technological development, sitting in the chair of history.

I'm not saying that the dialogue should be sitting on the floor, eating with your hand, drinking only water and speaking in Chinese. These days, anxiety depression treatment is giving complete answer for various types lowest prices on viagra of wellbeing issues. tadalafil online pharmacy Hence, poor circulation is directly proportional to his self-esteem. The herbs in Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill work effectively india generic viagra and directly into reproductive system and controls ejaculate. Free downloadable coupons are available for the various products on the market that claim to help improve one’s sexual performance, this is one of the few that buy viagra on line has published medical and scientific releases endorsing its ability to do so. I do say that one of the fundamental errors is to pretend that everyone feels at one table, so that what Anglo-Saxon (to call it somehow) is the most practical. Dialogue is not is a "meeting" in the mob who speak only those known speaker and demagogy, is a human act, a scale and with a human voice, in which men shape their humanity discussing their differences with the word. For all this wisdom is needed. The wisdom is that art becomes destructive tensions creative polarities, not by strategy to "get away with," but because this polarity is the essence of reality. Polarity is not dualism, is not binary, since it is governed by the dialectic of contradiction between the two poles, as the one presupposes the other and vice versa. Polarity is the Trinity, otherwise, the two poles would cease to be poles, with their merger or separation. The same is true for genuine dialogue between men, because no man is an island self-sufficient. There is a dialogue to reach a solution, but a dialogue to be, because I am not without the other. This comes to say that, despite all obstacles, the road to peace is to want to walk through. This desire for peace is in itself a peacemaker. The desire for peace is tantamount to a desire to dialogue and the desire for dialogue comes when we can learn something from each other, at the same time convert to our point of view, if possible. Fanaticism and absolutism impossible to walk together, because they think we are self-sufficient or in full possession of Truth. Raimon Panikkar philosopher and thinker