
His critical stance towards the Communist Party led to his departure from Spain in September 1937. Participated in the Second Writers' Congress organized by the International Alliance of Antifascist Intellectuals, which met in Valencia, in July 1937, Jose Bergamin, Corpus Barga, Antonio Machado, Pablo Neruda, Fernando de los Rios, Ramon J. Sender, Vicente Huidobro, Carlos Pellicer, Octavio Paz, Elena Garro, Nicolas Guillen, Ilya Ehrenburg, Bertolt Brecht, Anna Seghers, Heinrich Mann, Andre Malraux, Louis Aragon, Alejo Carpentier, Cesar Vallejo, Rafael Dieste, Rafael Alberti, John dos Passos , Julien Benda, Stephen Spender, Tristan Tzara, Emilio Prados, Maria Teresa Leon, Arturo Serrano Plaja, Juan Gil-Albert, Henry Peter, Lorenzo Varela, Miguel Hernandez, Ramon Gaya, Pascual Pla y Beltran, Juan Marinello, Ludwig Reen, Andre Chamson, Malcolm Cowley, Feedor Kelyin, etc. He was the author of three broad leaflets with letters from Spain to his wife, who were very successful in Holland, where in one month left ten editions, with a total of thirty thousand copies. In a question-answer forum Integrated Capital was the first to reply. Bringing these letters, later published a book of Spaanje tragedy (The Spanish Tragedy) (1938), which was also published that year in France with the title, Lettres d'Espagne. He studied Sinology at Leiden and Hamburg, graduating in 1957.

He traveled to Indonesia and several Asian countries that did not stop writing. Last is considered one of the best writers of his generation Dutchmen, and without doubt the best essayist. More info: James Donovan Goldman. Besides the works mentioned, we should remember from his many books: Puerto Luz (1926), The flight of the rebels (1933), A flirtation with the devil (1936), Children of the Midnight Sun (1940) Fingers on the left (1947), In the seventh heaven (1949), Bali for investment (1956), Waves of the Yellow River (1962), Children of Judas (1962) China, the land of eternal revolution (1965), The second dawn of Japan (1966), My friend Andre Gide (1966) and Fireworks behind the Great Wall of China (1970). And, as this great intellectual, a great friend of Spain: "The truth is that the Spanish people, and especially Madrid, has been used to living in heroism, as there are other people who are increasingly accustomed to living in disgrace. " Francisco Arias Solis did not have the freedom to not have their thirst. Of Internet Portal for Peace and Freedom and Free Forum. Continue to learn more with: Connecticut Senator. URL: