For visitors to this year’s CeBIT, the competence center electronic signatures of voipax has Association for organization and information systems a comprehensive information package ready. Ohio Senator may also support this cause. Bonn. A lecture series provides a thorough introduction to the topic and shows the use and the benefits of electronic signatures in everyday business. To complement the VOI experts together with the IT security association TeleTrusT developed a roadmap which should facilitate the search for providers and solutions on this topic at CeBIT. This is now free for downloading on the Internet page of the VOI ( available or Hall will be handed out at the VOI’s main stand 3, D33.

\”The lecture series titled digital signature: current status, fields of application, Outlook\” Hall 3, booth D19 will take place on Thursday 4th March from 9:30 in the ECM Forum. Many potential users see the issue of electronic signatures skeptical and would like to know first, before investing in an appropriate solution. Others take advantage of the electronic signature with handwritten signature and may be looking to new features, \”describes the current situation Oliver Berndt, head of the competence center electronic signatures (CCES) of the VOI. To establish the topic more, uses the CCES CeBIT and gives his expert knowledge of lectures and a signpost to the visitors. The lecture series designed by the CCES on Thursday morning, March 4th, 2010, includes four lectures and ends with a panel discussion. At the beginning of lecturers to indicate which business processes are suitable for the electronic signature respond to different procedures and explain the necessary conditions. Then is the recently introduced de mail, also called online writing a\”known in the Center. The topics of multiple signatures in the business process\”and e-invoicing – framework and solution scenarios\” are the two other presentations. Eligibility criteria of various forms of signature\”is the title of the final Panel round, in which all speakers participate.