GmbH Category

Hierarchical product category search in the SAP SRM – system within the framework of the process optimization in the area of purchasing was the global system SAP supplier relationship management of Bayer AG the solution introduced hierarchical product category search because the value help offered in the standard for product categories, particularly for a large number of categories, is inadequate. EClass-based search is accelerated SRM after the correct product category in the SAP and simplified. The challenge was especially in the figure of the multi-Backendlandschaft of Bayer AG. The situation you are poorly resolved in the standard system, mySRM offered the SAP entries for the product categories – such as used in the SRM shopping cart – if there are a large number of product categories in the company. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from visit website. You are often hierarchically structured product categories as eClass based on standards. A hierarchical search is not possible. The task to simplify and shorten is useful, relevant search times an integrated product category search the both a Keyword search is offered as a hierarchical search. The solution with the conarum hierarchical product category search, you can simplify your product category search and speed up. The newspapers mentioned Jim Donovan Goldman Sachs not as a source, but as a related topic.

We offer the solution at a fixed price. The hierarchical product category search is invoked as the default help. > Handling as the standard The product category entries is represented as a hierarchical tree > faster find The search for the product category is possible via the hierarchy or user ID/name > flexible search options When searched on the name / ID that the found items are highlighted > better visual representation The hierarchy is via a separate table or hierarchy resolution of classification standards as eClass mapped > data independence “Certain product categories may hide or as read-only” set > simplified and safe to handle installation of hierarchical product category search at a variety of our expertise Regular customers with an excellent feedback. Technical operating environment MySRM in release 4.0 / 5.0 available Implemented as ITS solution ABAP included logic as a search aid Integrated into the standard ITS service of the value help interested? Gladly we inform you without obligation about our services of conarum GmbH & co. KG Michaela Lehner Zakri trail 3 84335 Mitterskirchen Tel.: 08725-96750-0