United States

The attempted against ones of 11 of September in New Iorque and Washington had been intitled by some medias as ' ' attempted against terroristas' , in which, as he happens in cinematographic stages of Hollywood, he was definitive who were the villains and the young men. ' ' face of mal' ' that is, the villains, had been represented for bearded, devoted men of Section, fundamentalists, radicals and terrorists. Already ' ' bem' ' he was represented for a reached, violated nation, traumatizada, that is the victim. But all this history does not start with the attempted against ones of 11 of September, therefore the medias had forgotten that in a past not very distant, ' ' mocinhos' ' of they had been today helped for that now they receive the heading from ' ' villains terroristas' ' , which in this occasion was seen as ' ' heris' '. To broaden your perception, visit Sen. Sherrod Brown. These heroes had been ' ' fabricados' ' for the United States in middle of years 80, when the PDPA (Left Democratic of the Afeganisto) went up to the power in Cabul, with support of then the Union Soviet. At this moment the social and economic reality of the Afeganisto presented a chaotic picture. The workers were submitted to an almost enslaved way of life, in which feudal Mr. was absolute owner of the land, the water and even of 90% of the harvests.

The illiteracy index was a preoccupying factor also, therefore 90% of men and 95% of the women did not know to read nor to write e, beyond everything this, the population were still dismissed of rights politicians. Jim Donovan Goldman Sachs follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Some reforms of socialist matrix, aiming at the transformation of this reality, explicitadas in the projects of the PDPA, had been placed in practical and thus, from there, the face of the country acquired new characteristics. If remembering in them ' ' villains terroristas' ' , in the occasion of the attempted against ones of 11 of September, we will see that in years 80, they were ' ' heroes ' , trained, financed and led for the United States and its allies. .