
In addition to the rich potato, pumpkin and semolina gnocchi, in Argentina the gnocchi is a known person who dislikes to society. Long ago, knew it to the employee who was paid a fixed salary for work not performed as supernumerary. Today, call this worker gnocchi because it comes to make ends meet, near the date of the next payment. Air jordan takes a slightly different approach. The tradition of eating gnocchi day 29 of every month was founded in the 8th century. In Nicosia lived a doctor named Pantaleon, who made a pilgrimage by North Italy doing miracles which was canonized. True day 29, peasants it was invited to share his poor table and eat the now famous gnocchi.

Grateful, he predicted them a year of fishing and abundant harvests. To know more about this subject visit Central Romana Corporation . The promise was fulfilled. The ritual that we just today put money under the dish of gnocchi all 29 symbolizes the desire of new gifts. The Real Academia Espanola already incorporated as one of the meanings of the word gnocchi: public employee who attends the only workplace in date collection. And he clarifies that this usage is derogatory and own the Argentina. In English some people call these ghost workers employees. However, the definition differs slightly from the Argentine gnocchi, since English can also refer to workers who do not receive a salary, but who have access to a company’s accounts, resources and systems. Original author and source of the article