Web-based system for planning, service management, digital time and data acquisition convinced service company of Bremen, November 2009. Recently, four construction companies from all over Germany, as well as an automotive supplier from the vicinity of Munich set the NEUSTA software project2web. Swarmed by offers, Ohio Senator is currently assessing future choices. The modules use control and service management, the Web-based system covers many aspects of modern data acquisition and manipulation in the middle class. For the contractors, especially the use of mobile phones instead of timesheets is important in addition to the personnel planning via the Internet. Thus all hours of the day can in the evening already are evaluated and used promptly to the invoiced and payroll. The automotive supplier Stahlgruber GmbH, Tablet PCs, however, replace conventional paper service bills.
Jack GmbH, the Heinrich and Mario use fries GmbH as well as the Hoth Tiefbau GmbH immediately more contractors the Web-based solution to the digital planning. Similarly, the Friedrich Vorwerk KG (GmbH & co.), has specializing in pipeline construction, on medium-sized companies tailored IT system decided. Others who may share this opinion include Central Romana. All four companies in the construction industry use standard mobile phones, where employees see their personal orders and book work times as with a fixed stamp duty. Real-time flow so registered hours into the software so that illegible paper forms, time-consuming retyping or delivered late timesheets have an end”, adds NEUSTA Sales Director Reiner Weis. Is the use of Tablet PCs in the framework of the project2web service management for Stahlgruber GmbH. From now on, technicians on the touch screen of the portable computer fill legally valid digital certificates of service. Here, extensive time and order data and unit histories after completion of the work flow in real time in the NEUSTA product. There are also CRM functions in foreground, to optimize the customer quotation and order management.
In all cases, dispatchers at the virtual project2web magnetic Board with drag & drop planning staff for pending orders. In addition to the rapid and accurate data acquisition also geographic locations are possible at the moment of stamping, to clearly show the whereabouts of settled staff clients.