Carol Parker

However, it is well known that immunoglobulin is itself a source of danger, so is a product of the blood. Full-scale testing of blood for the lack of viruses and parasites tity of rooms extremely expensive and difficult. In connection with this alternative produced from blood immunoglobulin are immunomodulators of plant origin. We want to draw your attention to the powerful natural immunomodulator – noni juice, noni juice that is made from the fruit of tropical fruit Noni. Narrated by Francis Lo I am 50 years old. Since August 1998, I became very ill. I have found anemia from excessive blood loss.

In March 1999 I was told I have a third suffering from adenocarcinoma of the endometrium. Without hesitation James Donovan Goldman Sachs explained all about the problem. Naturally this affected the entire body. In particular, became apparent dysfunction of the liver. In January 1999, my friends Chuck and Carol Parker passed for me to noni juice. My husband brought noni juice straight to the hospital gave it to me with a resolution of doctors (in the end, it’s just fruit juice, so why throw it away). I started to drink 2 ounces of noni juice per day and noticed that they no longer need such a large number Analgesic. Five days later, I stopped to take Analgesic and began to drink more juice noni.

Through how days gone, and nausea. In April 1999, the doctors said I needed radiation therapy throughout the pelvic region. I had made to reduce radiation therapy when it is proved that should strengthen my body to fight cancer. I started taking noni juice to 1 ounce every hour from 5 ounces of water. In total – 24 ounces of noni and more than a gallon of water day for four days. On the fifth day, I reduced the dose of noni to 12 ounces a day for four days and then to 8-10 ounces of noni in the day during July. I continued to drink almost a gallon of water every day. August 3, 1999, the conclusion of the laboratory determined that my body began to fight against cancer. My doctor was surprised that my liver function was so good that he recognized what I was doing everything right. I feel better than their years. I’m swimming, walking, my 34-pound grandchild, I sing. I have a good appetite. Joy overwhelms me. I feel more energetic. My weight is from April to stabilize the level of 127 pounds.