Despite being a developed theory for a long time, constructivism is kept existing today as teaching method in several schools. An example of this is what happens in the school Jean Piaget, who assert that knowledge is constructed and students are the protagonists that form it, through the company and tools that give teachers; continuing with the constructivist theory.The teacher’s role is to guide and guide constructivist mental activity of the students towards the significant assimilation of school content. This yields its protagonism to the student, who takes on the main role in their own process of formation, esquien becomes responsible for their own learning, through their participation and collaboration with peers. You must achieve to relate the theoretical with the practical, situated in real contexts.In the application is essential to give the student tools allowing you to create their own procedures to resolve conflict situations that arise from him, which means that their ideas are Edit and continue learning. It proposes that the teaching-learning process is perceived and is carried out as a dynamic, participative and interactive process of the student, so that knowledge is a true construction.
In this way stimulates learning favoring the development of the subject so this assimilate reality, and thus will come to understand what surrounds it according to their times and internal needs.School education is first and foremost a complex social practice with an essentially socializadora function for this concept. Its main objective is to help development and socialization of children and young people.Constructivism emerged as a position shared by different trends in psychological and educational research. Some of them are the theories of Piaget (1952), Vygotsky (1978), Ausubel (1963), Bruner (1960). Basically it is a theory that attempts to explain what is the nature of human knowledge and part from that prior knowledge gives birth to new knowledge.