The Russian Constitution is the supreme and fundamental law of the state, has the highest legal force. The Constitution of the Russian Federation remains the basis of the constitutional order of the State protects the right and freedom every citizen, the federal structure of government, as well as organizing the top state authorities of the country. The Basic Law is intended to ensure the rights of our citizens. In continuation of the principles of the Constitution, in their development, the Law on Consumer Protection. The Law on Consumer Protection regulates in detail the rights and duties of the seller, manufacturer, artist and consumer.
Protection Act consumers – is an invaluable support to every citizen of our country, because we are at every turn, sometimes without even realizing it report, we conclude the contract of retail sales, consumer work contract, etc. The Law on compensation for losses or moral harm you should consult a qualified lawyer who will review your situation, make a competent complaint to the seller, manufacturer, artist, will help to consumer expertise, if necessary, to prepare a lawsuit in court and presented the your interests in court and won a court case. Couples who are using cialis no prescription This drugstore to treat erectile dysfunction in men, which is also called as impotence. It helps pfizer viagra to live longer. In such a way, after you have been patiently waiting, I can assure you that good things come to those who wait; it’ll be just get viagra from india fine. Usage of levitra online and Kamagra medications according to the prescribed dosage, will restore your libido. Consumer rights – is to take care of the state, but expressed this concern in the creation of supportive policy, legal framework establishing these rights and helping to protect them. State can not guarantee every citizen the protection of any means other than the title, so everyone should know their rights and be able to defend. But it is in theory. In practice, the citizen is not burdened with knowledge and jurisprudence can not effectively protect their legal rights, so in most cases the consumer need a lawyer. In practice, the 'self' can lead to the fact that despite the existence of legitimate reasons the court may render a decision on your claim is not in your favor, just because you do not own court arts process. Legal advice, legal assistance in court, just needed a situation where you just decide that you need to win a lawsuit with an unscrupulous manufacturer, seller, contractor.