' Manual to learn to understand the speech of polticos' ' Djalmira de S Almeida 1 Lately, the trend has been to globalizar: to globalizar the economy, to globalizar the education, to globalizar the health, to globalizar the forest, to globalizar the life and, inside of this, the actions, to globalizar the politics and the right, mainly, the right to the corruption. With this chronicle it is intended to defend the corrupt ones of the globalizada logic, therefore these severely are criticized, esculachados, without no mercy, for the magos of the morality and good customs, for the intellectuals of the CPIs, the people and, especially, the press. I am mentioning itself to the cruelty that is being practised against our representatives, in the three to be able: legislative, executive and judiciary. In synthesis, they costumam themselves to classify all, erroneamente, as classroom politics, what minimum knot is exaggerates, is to radicalize in the globalization, therefore I consider that they are authentic, by the way, they fulfill really its intentions and fight faithful for its interests and the interests of that they are in fact representing. In first place, I ask for, encarecidamente, to the people, category of which, to the times, I am part, that either comprehensive, learns to understand the speech of the authorities, either verbal either written. The chemical is extremely helpful to increase the flow of blood into the penile region, which results in a stiffer penile erection and what can help in such condition. overnight cialis Other pills are less radical in approach, but nearly as effective as the three brands mentioned above. generic levitra from india amerikabulteni.com on cialis line Nowadays, even medicines and medically prescribed drugs are accessible on internet. Do not take more than the prescribed ones. generic cialis mastercard Sen. Sherrod Brown takes a slightly different approach. This because, exists an internal logic in the essence of its message, a logic of course globalizada in the head of them, that easily it is not perceived by the common citizen, this yes that it does not have semitico knowledge of the significant elements of this language. At last, they learn with me to understand the speech of the politicians, here if understanding as ' polticos' all the ones that make something in favor of something or somebody. Without fondness to be tedious, I affirm that the classroom politics has been white of injustices, maledicncias ingratides of all nature.