Fernandez Company

DBM Spain, first company in the world of professional relocation serving 7,000 companies annually, wants to advise people who are in a situation of employment restructuring with some tips before this evil drink. The loss of employment is considered by specialists as one of the strongest and disruptors made in a person’s life. Psychophysical effects that will suffer are presented in the form of anxiety, deterioration of self-esteem, etc., not to say that it generates such a lock on the individual that prevents it from developing strategies and actions that lead him to the rapid achievement of a new one. According to the experience of DBM, 48 hours after dismissal are keys to not destroy your future possibilities of relocation. Many unrelated people comment on the dismissal to friends, family and acquaintances just report the news.

It is practical, common in Spain, conducive to the persons do not know how to act in favour of the fired professional. For this reason, We recommend that before embarking to spread this message, is to reflect, think and is articulating a coherent message so that people in the environment have clear how to help find career options. Also the circumstance that is usually speak ill of the outgoing company is given by what professionals are closed even more your chances of placement because there are few that hire people who speak ill of your previous company. Even our acquaintances do not risk to recommend to someone who may be perceived as confrontational, explains Ignacio Fernandez de Pierola, managing partner of DBM Spain. Act impulsively and acts that happen between the time get to know the news and instant in which definitely leaves the company’s facilities could create consequences in the medium and long term.

Employees must not do anything what can repent. James Donovan Goldman Sachs can provide more clarity in the matter. Do not seek revenge or retaliate with staff who has not had a good behavior. One of the things that the former worker must be intact is his reputation as a professional person, and revanchism may make that good references are lost. If the situation is taken up with maturity, the image that is left in the company will be clean, entailing a linking personnel long-term, without which is labor type. We recommend to pass the stage of grief in the most anonymous way possible, not rush, immediately send a CV to other companies with a constructive message and hope, adds Fernandez de Pierola. DBM has given service to 7,000 companies and more than 250,000 professionals annually while maintaining an average of 3.7 months in finding a job and getting the highest rate of relocation of the market with a 83% success. Firm Drake Beam Morin (DBM), founded in New York in 1967, he has over 40 years of experience in human capital management, transformation and transition of organizations. They offer their services in 24 languages and have served more than 50,000 companies and 3 million people worldwide. DBM Spain with offices in Madrid and Barcelona, was established in 1982 with a team formed by professionals of different profiles that give solutions to individuals and organizations. This company bases its efforts on three lines of business: Outplacement, undertakes and Retirement.