Not to forget and to sleep as rock Edson Silva We had chance to follow during an entire Saturday, day 29 of May, in Sumar, 1. State meeting of Councilmen of the Party of the Workers. Recepcionados for sumareense mayor Jos Antonio Bacchim (PT) and for the president of the PT of Sumar, Colossal Jairo, more than 100 councilmen of the diverse regions of the state, beyond other petistas authorities, between them senators Aloizio Mercadante and Eduardo Suplicy; the minister of Institucional Relations Alexander Padilha, former-gives of the Tourism Marta Suplicy; the representative Jose Genoino and the head of cabinet of president Lula, Gilbert de Carvalho, had been in the event. Additional information is available at novelist. Necessary if he makes to detach the devotion of the petista militancy of Sumar, that was basic for the accomplishment of the Meeting, organized for the Secretariat of Institucional Relations of the PT of So Paulo. For the hundreds that people who had all folloied or part of the event, a message was clear: Brazil cannot play except the gotten advances, in the last ones years, in the questions of distribution of income, gotten mainly with incentive to the production and generation of job and also with social justice by means of programs as the Program Stock market Family, conditional to the maintenance of children in the schools and to the accompaniment in the health of the same ones. Undeniable also they are advances in the infrastructure with the Programs of Acceleration of Crescimento (PAC); Light for All; My House, My Life; University for All, among others created and stimulated in these seven years and five months of the Government Squid. One of the greatest benefits of taking cialis india pharmacy Kamagra tablets without prescription, if you are going through any of serious health problems like cardiovascular problems, diabetes, hypertension, kidney problem Overdose does not assure for extraordinary results of the medication. Healthy body and environment is most important as cialis tab dosage varies from one person to another. levitra uk This disorder withdraws from men their strength to perform. It enhances the quality of cialis price erection and let them enjoy orgasmic sexual activities.
Therefore, and it could not be different you say and them in the Meeting had shown that the PT and all Brazilian we are ahead of the main election of the history of the country and the state of So Paulo. As the secretary of Squid said well, to choose Dilma (president) and Mercadante (governardor) is basic, in case that contrary will be charged by history, therefore the defeat would provoke the stoppage of the biggest project of seen development already in the country. The heading of the article it is inhaled in phrases of musics What It was made Will have and What Was made of Vera, of Milton Nascimento and Fernando Brant. This year, we will have the first Election, in last the 25 years, without Squid as direct candidate. We have in Squid the politician for the peace, while some adversaries distill preconceptions against other countries. You say of Gilbert Oak to them and of other petistas authorities that had been in the Meeting they must be you alert to the society on what we want for our Brazil in the next years, therefore, remembering Milton and Brant: ' ' Nor it goes to sleep as pedra/E to forget what it was made of us If much valley already made/More valley what ser/E what was made is necessary to know better/For prosseguir' ' Edson Silva, 48 years, journalist, Sumar email: edsonsilvajornalista@