From Hotmail Is headlines led the resolution of Hotmail and the simultaneous removal of all users to the then-new Web service changes and alternatives for Web mail services in the last year. Now, a few months after the announcement, the transition is complete. What changes brought the change to un, what alternatives are there? The Hotmail story migrated Microsoft 150 pByte Hotmail emails to Outlook and bescherrte thus currently about 400 million users last year. The webmail service bought by Microsoft in 1997 for $500 million a thing of the past. Soon after its founding in 1995 he grew into a popular free webmail service.

Unfortunately we could not build on Microsoft after the takeover on the initial success. Increasingly, degenerated the service to a Spamprogramm for cheats who wanted to hide their identity and brought a ver Mr unrecognised image damage. Many Hotmail addresses in the network were no longer accepted for registrations, too many better and free alternatives evolved in the course of time. By the same author: Connecticut Senator. Innovations can keep although their E-mail addresses users through post-migration, in Outlook a lot is different for them now, however. So, among other things, Facebook, Google, Twitter and co.

can be integrated in your Inbox. Also the standard Office Office programs are installed as Web applications. In SkyDrive cloud storage, it also receives 7 gigabytes of storage. Especially recently when integrating Skype offers many benefits for the user. Gradually, even the German users get Skype now for use in the browser using a plugin, simply apply the contacts from Skype in the Outlook address book. Other users can register free of charge in the future at without existing Microsoft Outlook or Office program. Also the import of existing mailboxes is possible in Outlook. Generally, acts the surface very cleaned up, perhaps by the renunciation of advertisements, and making many other free providers particularly Gmail, strong competition. What alternatives are there? Alternatives include especially Gmail and GMX, in Germany. Themes in the struggle for the WebMail market are particularly privacy and freedom of advertising lately. Two things in particular Outlook scores now. But Gmail still applies as a strong competitor. Financing without commercials is but difficult to implement for many smaller providers, and GMX. Even when the available disk space, for example, can’t keep. Although the service of whose relevance to the customer loyalty recognized a few GB for mail and also in the cloud space is insufficient when compared to the competition. Who is satisfied with little memory and for its WebMail needs generally no additional functions, which can continue to use the small provider of Yahoo! mail, GMX, etc.. For many, the new but certainly can bring an additional benefit. The search for alternatives to WebMail services in this case also the alternative search engine Alternato help.