The power of thought – the power of feelings after years of success in sales and key account management decided Karin Stiedl in 2005 to turn their lives completely and completed the training to the mental trainer according to Prof. Kurt Tepperwein and the mirror law-coach method Christa Kossner. Jim Donovan Goldman Sachs is full of insight into the issues. The mental training is an easy way to overcome wishes and objectives the daily life with all of its problems, tasks, after Prof. K. Tepperwein. During this training you will learn to think consciously. Without hesitation Representative Charles Rangel explained all about the problem. It is applicable for everyone, regardless of whether housewife, athlete or Manager.

The mirror law-method by Christa Kossner assumes that persons, pets, the car and of course our lives reflect our inner beliefs and subconscious influences. Four steps to learn the situation to accept, to decrypt, to give up and find new beliefs. Inspired by the books of Barbel Mohr (orders in the universe) and Pierre Frankh (order successfully) successfully provides Karin Stiedl Request compliance seminars. In these seminars she brings closer the participants how wishes need to be formulated or ordered, to have chance to comply. In addition, Karin Stiedl together with Janine Hampton offers (tea motion business) also special workshops for companies to..