Overseas Expansion

The narrator transmits an episode heroic of the history of a people, and its intention is to exaltar the qualities of the personages; therefore, when counting the adventures of Ulisses, never would place in evidence defects or perverse characteristics of the personages, showing Penlope as faithful and hidden, and Ulisses, fort and warrior. For the fact of to portray and to denounce society of time, workmanship of Gil Vicente displays diverse situations and behaviors convicted and censured for proper society, as it happens with the romances of the Naturalismo Realism, that also discourse regarding real conditions, representing existing problems. The typical personages allow to establish critical relations between workmanship and reality, because even so the personages are ficcionais and individual beings, starts to represent behaviors and to have typical reactions of one definitive reality, being been the narratives ambientadas in a time contemporary to the writer, becoming critical the next and concrete one. The realistic romances ' ' Madame Bovary' ' , ' ' Baslio&#039 Cousin; ' ' ' Ana Karenina' ' they portray the question of the adultery one lived by the unhappy and entediadas personages with the pparently perfect marriage. Ema, Lusa and Ana feel the emptiness, the monotony, the disillusion and the frustration of the marriage, therefore they do not obtain to run away to the conquests and the enchantments from its respective loving, searching satisfaction in the extramarital relation.

In accordance with the Determinismo, elaborated for Hiplito Taine, the man is a product of physical and social laws; although one to be pensante, to have freedom of decisions and to be responsible for its action, as much the way as the situation and its biological instinct can intervene and contribute in its choices. The determination of the acts of the individual belongs to the force of certain causes, external and internal. Thoughts and actions are related to the impulses, characters and experiences that define the personality. With the personages created for Flaubert, Ea de Queirs and Tolstoi, happen the following one: The lack of perspective and the yearnings for emotions and adventures associates to the galanteios of the loving ones and the absence of the husbands allowed the necessary conditions and enough for the existence of passions it are of the marriage. The three personages die to the end of the romances. Ema and Ana commit suicide, already Lusa is sick and falece. In ' ' The Auto one of ndia' ' , Ama lives a similar situation, however its end is not tragic, therefore Gil Vicente, exactly trying to unmask what it had of bad in the society, worried about the correction of the customs, adopted as motto a famous phrase of Plauto, dramaturgo Latin: ' ' Laughing, they correct costumes' '. The punishment of Ama would finish with the comic, characteristic effect of the humbug, and the punishment would not fix its error.

It would be important to prevent the conditions so that the error was not committed, since it possesss personality nor a little admirable, propitiating the practical one of the adultery one. The absence of the husband creates the essential situation so that its levity if transforms into conjugal infidelity. CITY, Hernni. Portuguese Literature and the Overseas Expansion. 2. Ed. Coimbra, Loved Armenian, 1963. MOISS. Massaud. Portuguese Literature through the Texts. So Paulo. Cultrix, 1978. HAIL, Antonio Jose. Initiation to Portuguese Literature. So Paulo. Company of Letters. 1999. Site access in 12/12/2007