Secure Localization Of VoIP Phones With Emergency Calls

Fire in the chemical Park marl uses the security system IntrPROTECTOR of the COMCO AG of Dortmund, July 20, 2009 – In the chemical Park marl automated localization of VoIP phones for the Brigade was realized through the use of the security management system IntrPROTECTOR of the COMCO AG. Given the complexity of the network infrastructure for 900 buildings on a 6.5-square-mile site a permanent manual testing and the VoIP telephone sites turned out to be economically impractical. Background of this measure are the special security conditions in the chemical industry. There be highest requirements on the Organization of the fire protection and the performance and reliability of telecommunications systems due to the storage and handling of hazardous materials which serve security. This obligation is also the Infracor GmbH as the infrastructure of the chemical park operator Marl. Here is the internal telephony via a VoIP-enabled system. However, this system supports no safe Localization of callers, because she can deliver data to find a changed voice site, for example, after moving an employee cannot stand alone.

The Brigade unable to locate incoming emergency calls, reliably, however, is a critical threat to people and the environment, resulting in problem cases delay. For this reason, the security platform IntrPROTECTOR has been introduced. Automatically ensures a precise localization of VoIP phones. In this way, the Brigade gets knowledge of the relevant building and the exact premises from which the emergency was deposed. The implementation of the solution ensures a reliable localization of VoIP phones. The realization is done by an integrated link with the existing databases for the VoIP system and campus wiring. While the COMCO system controls two key workflows: the administrator receives when moving a VoIP phone automatically email the new data the location such as buildings, Floor, room and switch port. If you enter of the phone number into a search field, the data associated with the phone number to the venue and the switch port are issued.

The realization by a built-in link existing two databases for the VoIP system (telephone number, address) and the campus cabling (switch, port, building, floor, room) is at Infracor. The security solution IntrPROTECTOR guaranteed with innovative technology, that emergency calls via the internal VoIP phones can be located without delay”, Carsten Scholz with the project results is satisfied. You convinced beyond simple integration and cost-friendly administration”, so who is responsible for the management of the site telecommunications of Infracor GmbH. About COMCO AG: The COMCO AG, headquartered in Dortmund is a market-leading software and systems integrator. “The company is in the business areas of business security software”, network solution provider “and security management Integrated consulting”. Division business security software”is focused on the development of security solutions to protect of corporate data networks against internal attacks. “With the business network solution provider” the COMCO AG covers the entire spectrum of network solutions. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Jim Donovan Goldman Sachs. The services range from consulting during the planning phase to implementation to service and support of the entire IT system environment here. In the field of security management consulting”, she supports its customers with security audits, consulting, and training. The cross-industry customers include renowned media companies, banks, insurance, utilities, large retailers and companies in the automotive sector as well as country and federal authorities.