Hong Kong Retail Jewelry and watches with three years for the first time dropped the analysis has pointed out, that with the global economic uncertainty and a slowdown in China, the purchasing power of individual Mainland visitors in Hong Kong also greatly reduces. Insiders say that Hong Kong’s retail Outlook is not optimistic, and the industry is strongly influenced visitors due to the loss of important source of market by mainland. Hong Kong Census and Statistics Department has just announced, showing most recent retail figures, which has increased value and the volume of total retail sales in May of this year, while luxury sales has delete but first time for nearly three years, including category 2.9 percent decreased sales volume of retail of jewelry, watches and valuable gifts. According to statistics in May of this year the preliminary estimate of the total retail turnover had grown value HK $36 billion dollars, compared to the previous year to 8.8%, after discounting the effect of price changes, in may on increased the total Retail sales up 5.8%. Compared to the same period of the previous year, the value of total retail sales from the first five months of this year increased by 13.5%, while the volume of total retail sales by 9.1% increased. But the volume of sales of jewellery, watches and valuable gifts in may fell by 2.9% compared with the same period last year, the first time since June 2009 recorded a negative growth, the retail value of these goods is recorded only an increase of 3.1 percent. the sales value of the goods has only an increase of 3.1%, much lower than the in the past two years monthly average by more than 20% annual increase.