Sustainable Economy

We have the Government who produces more laws by squared centimeter, as if that outside something than to be conceited. Great Britain, however, does not have nor Constitution and it does not go to him so badly. How is obtained to resemblance legislative frondosidad? Very easy: turning into legal norm any occurrence, by more colorful than it is. Then, in another Cabinet, one reproduces, it is altered or the previous disposition is contradicted and, pulls ahead, a new law to the song. The important thing, then, is to generate more and more laws, not the one that are fulfilled, since such thing never happens. It does already more of a century, minister Silvela explained that our legal ordering is rigorous, but adjusted by his nonobservance. That reiteration of unfulfilled norms is seen, for example, in the abundant legislation to avoid wild fires, that every year seem novel although it repeats always the same obviedades that they do not prevent that the forests continue burning itself.

Of all our governors obsessed with entering the Guinness book of the record legislative, most prolific it seems to be Rodriguez Zapatero, able to try to modify by decree any day until the law of the gravity. sildenafil shop They relax blood vessels in the penis, making it easier for a person to trust in the pill. Limited data are available in regard to over dosage in tadalafil 40mg humans but if you suspect an overdose, seek medical attention immediately. Because of the dysfunction, nephropathy will not generate urine, which will lead to the accumulation of waste in the blood. cialis france After all, nothing eases a cheap canadian viagra broken heart quite like vengeance, with a little fame thrown in. We see, if no, the tedious norm on the use of the conditioned air in places public, fixed now to maximums of 21 in winter and 26 in summer. Already two years ago, indescribable Miguel Sebastin arranged that the temperature did not happen of 22 in the offices of the State, norm that such went through the triumph arc. A year later, that regulation, modified, one extended to the Plan of Power Saving, and that you are wanted rice, Catherine. Now, again, he reappears in the flaming and innocuous Law of Sustainable Economy. Somebody suspicion that will be fulfilled? At heart, the one that is fulfilled or is not irrelevant since our battered economy instead of cataplasms needs surgery. The same happens to unemployment: we have a Government who is conceited to give subsidy the unemployed ones instead of to offer work to them, that would be fetn. A related site: Connecticut Senator mentions similar findings. But to create job it is not enough with funny occurrences published in the BOE, but one needs an economic policy which Zapatero lacks.