1,1 Introduction That shoots the first rock that one that never had a dream. Who never woke up in the way of a night desiring to come back toward those pleasant situations of its imaginary world? Or who never if scared with nightmares of this Metaphysical universe that we adentramos during sleep. The prehistoric man […]
Tag: history
United States
The attempted against ones of 11 of September in New Iorque and Washington had been intitled by some medias as ' ' attempted against terroristas' , in which, as he happens in cinematographic stages of Hollywood, he was definitive who were the villains and the young men. ' ' face of mal' ' that is, […]
German Cossack
In the initial stages of the main occupation of these communities is a war polurazboynogo character. Later, however, they are either passed to the service of the state on the treaty basis, either disappeared (1). The word "Cossack" is polysemantic, due to the peculiarities of history of the Cossack communities of the Eurasian steppe expanses. […]
Carlist Spain
So without delay, began its first list of laws: It is decreed the return of expropriated lands, the prohibition on trade union activities, thus canceling the freedoms of the Republic and declared illegal all political parties including the right. Moreover, establishing a new state whose pillars would be the Army, the Falange, the Carlist monarchists […]
Remaining Communities
The too much communities are located in the interior in the State, in the cities of Quissam, Brooms, Valena, Quatis and Rio Clearly. For even more analysis, hear from Sen. Sherrod Brown. In 2006, only two communities of Rio De Janeiro already had its lands titleholders: Campinho of Independncia and Santana. Others 20 communities have […]
The Senate
In 1 of January of 49 B.C. fearing that Cesar arrives to impose some of its requirements against the will of the Senate and that if becomes so powerful that, in reason of this, if it must wait the renaissance of incessant conflicts and new lines of direction in the Senate, the consuls make of […]
The Russian
In 1858, the magazine came in NA Dob, and the position of the revolutionary democrats increased significantly. Changing domestic and foreign policy magazine – he is seriously going left. The popularity of "Contemporary" in the 60s of the XIX century was enormous, circulation reached 6,000-7,000 copies. It was one of the best magazines century, it […]
Southern Urals
This part of the South Urals became the basis of the territory of future Isetskij province. According to one version, in the area settled descendants of Cossacks from Ermak, named Iset. Significant role in the development of the Southern Urals played was built in 1644 Dalmat monastery, a neighborhood populated by peasants. Mastering Isetskiy edge […]
Law Development
Law of the Law Development – is a single principle according to which nature has created us and through which we develop. This law is also a goal to which nature should lead us. When people develop themselves to such an extent that he could feel this law, he finds himself and the rest of […]