Language And Knowledge

Knowledge – Language: Language – Knowledge Bruno Professor Enrique Marinelli email: Is of common attention of the philosophers (centuries XIX and XX), to occupy of the problem of the language. The hermeneutic question of this occupation if must to the fact of that; It would be the language taking care of perfectly to what it […]


The phenomenon of the Globalization has called the attention historians, sociologists and anthropologists who if dedicate to the study of the social interactions and its historical marks. To understand the facts derived from this new social movement is a task that searchs critical analyses, interpretations and comments regarding the proper attitude of the man ahead […]

Christian Catholic

… By the way, is not enough to be written, is necessary to write to have a name. She is necessary to call-se' ' (2002: 62). He is as soon as the evanglico one it starts to exist or it leaves to exist. This, as any another name, is constituted with the others, in dialogues, […]

Regionalistic Movement

' ' Gilbert was of the side of Estcio Coimbra (vice-president), friend of the same, of that Gilbert would be auxiliary direct of 1926 the 1930. in 1927 was Freyre, working there as Personal secretary of then the governor of Pernambuco. But the Revolution of 1930 blows up and its head is annulled and runs […]

Freedom According To Existentialism

‘ Freedom is a word that nurtures human dreams. it does not have nobody that explain and nobody that not entenda.’ ‘ (Ceclia Meirelles) To understand the concept of Freedom in Sartre is not easy task. For the accomplishment of such company, considering the difficulty of access To the workmanships all, was opted to reading […]

The Domestic

On the family, valley to cite the central paper that this institution possesss in the Brazilian society, according to Gomes: ' ' It (the family) represents for us the basic unit and ' ' natural' ' of society and, therefore, the obligator and primary unit of any form of aggregation. In other words, the family […]

Brazil People

For the people, neglect voter, the situation is this: ' ' if to run the animal catches and if to be the animal come' '. It is a situation where if ' ' to slide of the frying-pan goes to fall in chapa' '. The people is neglect voter, because he is not wise, but […]

Supreme Federal Court

The young republic had ahead of itself the difficult task to transform the rude natures of blacks, mulatos and indians (and immigrants) in one alone civil society, which if would over all base on the production of passveis citizens to be submitted to the normatividade of the laws and on the morality of the religion […]

Weber World

Weber searchs metodolgicos and epistemolgicos aspects as instruments of scientific distanciamento for the accomplishment of the description and theoretical reconstruction of the empirical reality. It is compromissado with modernity. (Fraga, 1999, P. 71). In after-modernity, it has a bankruptcy of the rational project of the world. (…) The modernity of a side to defend the […]