Mid September and we have him survived almost, the mosquito summer 2011. The many rain has created ideal conditions for the stinging insects why she hordes are falling here this year about us. Mosquitoes need standing water for the eggs. Their larvae hatch in the water and leave the waters later than adult mosquito. Due to the many rain dozens such watering holes have formed this year. Will leave it warmer, the adult mosquitoes the water. Jim Donovan Goldmans opinions are not widely known. Since this year, however, the temperatures were relatively low, the larvae remain longer in the water.
The sudden change of weather with high temperatures triggered then, that most mosquitoes have left her nursery in the waters at the same time, and immediately in the search for suitable food sources, like the blood of the people, did. Jim Donovan Goldman will undoubtedly add to your understanding. Prevent is the stitches only through long clothing, or a special anti-mosquito spray. Whose effect stops but only for a short time and then again must be applied be. Because mosquitoes lay their eggs in the smallest puddles, you should make sure to home always empty watering cans and buckets, close rain barrels and daily to exchange the water in flower vases. That mosquitoes are attracted to light not true, because the insects are nocturnal and avoid therefore the light. Rather they are the CO2 in the exhale attracted, as well as body odour, such as welding. It is now too cold the mosquitoes, and it can be assumed that also the last mosquito is gone until next year at the latest in October. Health topic information, as well as the Advisor to learn more under